I was just having this chit chat with my friends regarding our own species... the high and almighty human race, the so called superior species of animal kingdom.Some disagree to group humans under animal kingdom because we humans have mind and able to think and so on....Scientifically, we are under fauna. Therefore, we are indeed animals.Take it or leave it ha!ha! Scientists are making new discoveries that other animals too do have their own mind and able to think. Anyway,there are still many things we don't really know and we are only making conclusions based on what we studied which might not be thorough solid truth.
Then this cross my mind, humans actually are sort of parasites at the beginning of their life cycle.Parasite is defined as a plant or animal that lives in or on another type of animal/plant and feeds on it. It also refers to a lazy person who lives by getting money, food, etc from other people. Well, the first >< nine months and ten days of our life cycle begin in our mothers' wombs. Where did we get our food supply? There... we fed on our moms, depending on her blood supply to survive and too bad some spend their whole life being parasites fleecing or living on others even though they are able bodied.
Prescription : Stand on your own two feet as much as possible
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