Thursday 28 July 2011

Feeling Low


    Life has its ups and downs just like shares in Wall Street. We wanted to be able to control our life patterns but too bad that at times, it's just beyond our means. Unwanted things just jump out of the blue into our lives no matter how much we plan to avoid. Things that we hope to come our way just don't seem to be in sight. People say that our lives are in our hands. Sure, definitely true but again, like it or not, sometimes we need a recipe of some luck with a punch of opportunity plus being there at the right time and place as well as meet the right people. Therefore, a right combination and zest to do well.

   Anyway, when we hit life at its lowest, we got to be strong in order not to collapse. There are people around who still need us and in a worse situation than us. We are not alone actually. When you feel that life sucks, just let it be a feeling for the moment. Scream your heart out and continue with your journey in life because every step we take is a special step ahead. The whole journey is uniquely you. Keep on going and 'fighting' !!!

Prescription : You are not alone. Live with hope in your heart for a better tomorrow

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