Friday 1 July 2011

New Red Arowana-Not Eating

   My hubby bought another crossback red arowana a few weeks ago. This new arowana is more aggressive, braver and smarter compare to our golden redtail arowana. At the beginning, it took some time to get use to the new surroundings and show signs of stress like not eating for a week. It's okay now and come chasing if anything is near the aquarium, following any movement near the aquarium. Great to have another new pet to the family but arowana is a type of fish which is rather sensitive. Some people call it 'headache fish' because it react very differently to different stimuli. Sometimes it reacted to certain stimuli so badly that it looks sick. No 2 arowanas have the same behaviour and reaction. So owners have to judge and understand their own arowanas just like there are no 2 children with the same character.

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