Saturday 20 August 2011

Buying Arowana

What is your budget and why do you buy an arowana instead of other pets? There are many reasons like for 'feng shui', its shining scales, its haughtiness, to show classiness or so forth. Anyway, the most important thing is when you walk into the shop, at one look at a particular arowana, you simply sort of fall in love with it and must have it. I call this kind of feeling, 'our soul pet'.

Actually, when buying arowana, the prized ones are in fact in the farms and some are not for sale.The good grades or lower grades are sold in shops or to traders.The sex, type of arowana, colour , size, shape, the eyes,'whiskers', the arrangement of scales, fins, tails, broadness, its activeness and gracefulness.....all these determine the quality of an arowana.

When buying one, you must have at least a good size aquarium of  2' x 5' in order for it to grow and swim. Of course, the bigger, the better. Then , the aquarium must have all the necessary equipment. Also, it is important that you are mentally and physically prepared to take care of one. Another thing which is also quite important is, whether you purchase one that is easy to take care.Just like children, some are easy to care for and some need extra care and understanding. As I had mention in my earlier post, I consider arowana under 'headache fish'. So good luck and enjoy having one. Welcome to arowana gang!!!

Prescription : Patience conquers all

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