Tuesday 10 May 2011

Most Embarrassing Moment

   Here's about the worst thing that could happen in a lift (elevator) being discussed among my colleagues during lunch break :

1.  Rosselynn said," Farting! OMG!!! Of all things especially when the lift was so packed in the morning and somebody farted! What a way to start work! Just spoil all my effort of pampering myself with my favourite perfume. Mixture of perfume and fart = ???!!! Somebody must be the culprit and the others the victims. On the other hand, who could control this natural reflex action. Maybe can control the level of farting sound by controlling the speed of releasing the fart but to totally able to stop it will need some super control. Then Lina added," Yalah! I sudah kena one two times. Bukan main busuk. Susah nak tahan. Harap lift cepat buka!"( She had experienced it once or twice. Very smelly. Difficult to withstand. Hope that the lift will open quickly) Fran added," Still not that bad. What if there is a macho guy and only you in it. And the farting person is you !" LOL & everybody agreed.

2. Then I said," Burping is another thing. Never ever eat durians and enter a lift. When you burp the smell is just horrible. Like gas leakage or what. A guy burped when I was in this lift at KLCC (Shopping Centre at Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur). He must had taken his fill of durians before that. Pity him because he looked so embarrassed since it was quite audible and the lift was quite full." Lina again," Memang betul!(Absolutely correct) Don't eat  pungent food like petai or belacan if you want to go out."

3.   "Continuous sneezing and coughing marathon!" said Fran. "Then with running nose as well. You know, with H1N1 ,H1N2, Nipah Virus....being so deadly, not surprising people will be scared. I am scared and worried too when in the lift with such person." Rosselynn said," Sometimes same with me, especially just recovered from flu... there's still this itchiness in my throat that made me cough non-stop at the wrong time.I covered my mouth with handkerchief okay! I tried controlling myself but got worst and just couldn't stop! People stared at me with one kind of look, some tried their best to turn away and some covered their noses and mouths. How embarrassing you know?!!!

4.  " Yalah! Hiccups too!" put in Lina. "Sometimes things just happen at the wrong time. Bad timing!  Okay, dah time kerjalah. Kena cepat. Kalau tak, Miss Mary akan membebel !(Okay, it's time for work. Must hurry. If not, Miss Mary will grumble!)

Prescription : Everything will be well again after a bad episode.


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