Wednesday 22 June 2011

Tiny White Spots On Parrot Fish

  It all started with our pair of orange Taiwan parrot fishes. Both of them became inactive, not swimming much and not feeding. Later they only remained at the bottom of a corner of the aquarium and not moving much except when we went near. Been having them for more than half a year and had never seen them behaving in such a peculiar way. We tried to focus our eyes on them that was quite difficult for both of us, hubby and I because both of us are long sighted. After some time only did we notice that they had some tiny white salt-like particles on their fins. We also noticed that our other red parrot fishes were also having salt-like particles on their bodies but much lesser. We looked up in the internet and read up about fish diseases under different entries until we got hold of the correct one which diagnosed the problem as white spot disease or ich disease caused by Ichthyophthirius multifilis which is a parasite. Other fishes in the tank did not get it such as a tiny Taiwanese koi and 'lampan'. They were still swimming vigorously and feeding normally. Maybe its due to the introduction of a new fish, the 'Bandaraya' fish which died after 2 days in the aquarium.

   We bought medicine specially for white spots made by a local company, raised the water temperature by installing a heater and add the salinity of the water but the condition of the fishes did not improve much. One of the orange parrot fish died. Then we tried another white spot medicine made from Germany at RM 40. Saw some improvement but still slow. So we added a type of yellow powder from Japan. This combination seemed to work well. Its after 2 weeks now and all of the fishes are feeding and swimming but two of the fishes still have white spots on them at the fins and head. These two are swimming slowly and spend most of the time floating near the surface. Got to continue treatment and need to buy more medicine because the one we bought is nearly used up.

Prescription : All living things need care

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