You can see durians everywhere these days. It's the long awaited durian season for durian lovers. They will know the difference whether it's musang king, D2, D24.....As for me, I just know how to eat and I'm not overly crazy about this fruit. Some people just can't stand the smell of this fruit which they consider horrible and dislike the soft mushy texture but for durian lovers, the smell of this fruit is heavenly. There are many ways of eating this fruit : eat straight away after opening, eat it with rice which I don't fancy at all, make 'tempoyak'(ferment it) and cook 'gulai', freeze it to eat which I prefer, make ice cream, cake or custard puff etc. This fruit makes our body heaty if consume too much (high in protein & carbohydrates), so the remedy is drink salt water from its skin (must rub the inner sides of the skin before drinking). Other than that, to make your hands loose the strong durian smell, you can try washing your hands with water running down the durian skin. I'd tried this and it seemed to work ! Since We have a couple of durian trees, we ate our heart out and gave them to friends. Believe it or not, I'd gained 4 kg because I don't want to waste the fruit ! I'll have to work out more.....I'm not going to eat any durians from today...could I? Guilty that famine is happening in certain parts of Africa due to drought and unstable politics where as we over eat here.....