Saturday 19 March 2011

Failure? Nothing new!

  My eldest daughter just passed her driving test last Thursday. It was her second attempt after failing her first test. I suppose this made her feel a greater sense of achievement and simply extra happy for not needing to sit for the test again. A big relief too for her and for me. She practiced real hard to prepare for her second test compared to her first. A little bit of failure sometimes is good in a way. It pushes a person to certain extend.
  Anyway, Christopher Columbus discovered America after failing to find Asia. Ask Warren Buffet, ask Bill Gates (if you are lucky enough to meet them in person) or the very person  beside you, nobody is new to failure. Failure happens all the time. Fail to be a good husband or wife, fail to care for our elderly parents, fail to cook, fail this and that. It is nothing new. In every failure, there is something to be learnt. Failing do not make us a failure. It shows that we are humans and naturally we have flaws. The magnitude of failure or line to differentiate failure and success depends on what measurement one wanted it to be. Your 'perfect' might not be 'perfect' for another person. Example to some, just being able to cook is a plus plus but to some, they consider themselves a failure if they can't cook as well as their mothers. Do remember every failure holds the seeds of success. But what if we can't accept our failures? Please talk to someone you feel comfortable with and able to lend you their ears. Please don't talk to those sickos who like to see people fail or like to add salt to wounds. It's not the end of the world...really.

Prescription :  The glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time you fall - Chinese Proverb


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